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With the grace of God and the support of one another in community, members of A New Genesis Community engage in ministries in pastoral leadership, education, accounting, pastoral ministry, healthcare and chaplaincy.  Others minister in prison reform, faith formation, meal programs, anti-human trafficking, tutoring, church music, library work, poll supervision, peer ministry, and care giving.  Some of our retired members are called to a ministry of prayer.

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Companioning as a Field Advocate ~ Sr. Carol Haanen, Appleton, Wi

The very word, “Annulment” can raise eyebrows, blood pressure and strong opinions, true or false beliefs or experiences. “How can the clergy or a celibate nun ever understand broken marriages?”  In the mid ‘80’s I became a field advocate for the annulment process. With prayer, non-judgmental listening, and an open heart, I choose to assist the people who are open to the process. A counseling background, input from the tribunal and practice strengthened my skills to surface the elements of the sacrament that were absent, i.e., permanence, fidelity, harmony of life, etc. Nothing shocks me anymore, except their enduring pain.

The process would be overwhelming without the compassionate guidance so crucial to the inner work and legal requirements. Legalese is neither my forte nor passion, but critical to seek the “grounds “or reasons of the marriage autopsy. It is not the ex’s “he versus she,”  but the divorced couple vs. the sacrament of marriage. Understanding this often brings relief and understanding to soften the guilt, hard feelings and sometimes forgiveness.

What helps the petitioner to feel safe to process the painful story of dashed hopes? Listening, praying, reviewing forms with tears, laughs of relief and even chocolate helps. I admire the strength summoned to do the inner healing work that can happen in the process. Their suffering, letting go and new life is an experience of Christ’s Paschal Mystery. It is not about me as their advocate, but the Spirit’s work in them to bring closure with insights for self-growth and hope for healthy relationships. Rarely will we cross paths in the future. Companioning the journey of healing and hope for others to live and love gives meaning to my ministry.

Sr. Mary Peters Supports Veterans ~Sr. Stephanie Spence, Appleton, WI


The Green Bay diocesan paper, The Compass, interviewed Sr. Mary Peters about her ministry with the veterans for their  November 4, 2022 edition. As part of her pastoral ministry at St. Elizabeth Seton, Sr. Mary meets on the first Wednesday of each month with local  veterans. They begin with coffee and a snack  and then move into conversation and sharing.  Mike Weaver, a  former acquaintance of Mary's, conducted similar meetings at St. Pau; Elder Services where Mary previously worked. The conversation and sharing  brings support and comfort to those who have served. This gathering provides a safe place for veterans to talk about their experiences  while in service, things they really don't  normally share.

Participants are not pressured to share and know that whatever is shared, stays in the room. Mary feels she has learned so much from being present for this sharing. To read the whole article in the compass, check  this link:

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