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Celebrate your Life!!

~ Sr. Stephanie Spence, Appleton

Over 120 guests helped Sr. Mary Barbieur celebrate her 90th birthday and 70 jubilee at the Mother Teresa Center in Fr.  Carr’s Place 2 Be on Sunday June 23.  Friends and relatives listened as Sr. Mary Jo recounted highlights of Mary’s life and ministry.  Many laughs and much gratitude were expressed. A friend created a photo slide show of Mary’s life.  A great lunch was enjoyed and topped off by the Dairy Queen cupcakes donated by another friend. In lieu of gifts, donations to Fr. Carr’s Place 2 Be were given and over $1700 was raised.

In Mary’s own words, “Special thanks for all the supportive words, love, congratulations and joy shown to me on the occasion of my birthday/jubilee celebration. It's been a wonderful time for me to realize all of the blessings I have in my life, not the least of which is, each of you and  our A New Genesis Community. Many of you have heard me say, "old age is not for sissies!", but I also want to say that old age does have many, many unexpected joys, blessings and memories. Thank you for being part of those wonderful blessings”.

Eucharist: A Privilege and a Joy

Edited by Sr. Stephanie Spence, Appleton, WI


Bringing Holy Communion to the sick is a privilege and a joy.  It meets a basic hunger. “What material food

produces in our bodily lives, Holy Communion wonderfully achieves in our Spiritual Life.” Catechism of the

Catholic Church#1392 Sr. Marita Gilsdorf says, “I am inspired by their stories of continued faith and love of

the Eucharist.”  “They express a great longing to receive Jesus,” states Sr. Carmelyn Gentrup. In Sr. Florence

Youngwirth’s experience: “I feel the people’s gratitude upon arrival and leaving.  Their responses flow, “Thank

you for bringing us Jesus”.


Some of our members prepare Liturgy of the Word with Eucharist in nursing homes and find the preparation enriching. “I see the spirit of Vatican II in the gathered community.  They have let go of so much that this gathering in God’s presence is a treasure of engagement and responsiveness,” says Sr. Carol Haanen.   Sr. Florence Youngwirth say the elderly respond, “I enjoy your stories, they make me remember what Jesus said.  They always say thank you for coming.  I have gotten a few to proclaim the readings. This ministry is a real privilege when I see the happiness it brings to them.”

Those who bring Holy Communion to the homes of the elderly and sick also bring news of the parish. The recipients feel like they are still remembered and belong to the parish community. “I help Sacred Heart Parish in Sherwood with communion calls to a widow of two years, a woman who had a severe leg injury, our 106 year old former village barber, and four residents of a nursing home near Darboy,” says Sr. Marita Gilsdorf. Sr. Carmelyn Gentrup remembers that after she finished the ritual, the couple from Cameroon joined hands and began to sing in their own language. “It felt like a real celebration!”  “The elderly are strong and have been involved with many good things in their lives, giving generously.  Now they pray and wait with such hope and patience. In many cases, I feel I have prayed them into heaven,” says Sr. Stephanie. When distributing individual communion, Sr. Carol Haanen feels, “An intense, quiet longing comes over them; letting go, over time, gradually slipping into their own paschal love mystery.  I am so touched by this visible shift of union with Divine Love.” “When we bring them communion, we are sometimes reaching out to their caregivers and broader family members. We are bringing them back to their faith,” Says Sr. Helen Keyzer.

All agree that this ministry is a privilege and a blessing. We are so grateful to answer the call to spread the good news and thankful to bring the Eucharist to those who so long for it.

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Photo by Sr. Carol Haanen

Photo by Ashley Schmit, used with permission

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